Cântăre Swing Down

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 113
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/1819-swing-down]Swing Down[/url]

Why don’t you swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Rock me, Lord, rock me, Lord, calm and easy

I’ve got a home on the other side

Swing, swing, swing

Well, Ezekiel was out in the middle of the field

He said he saw an angel with a chariot wheel

He wasn’t too particular about the chariot wheel

He just wanted to see how a chariot feels

Why don’t you swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Rock me, Lord, rock me, Lord, calm and easy

I’ve got a home on the other side

Swing, swing, swing

Swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing

Well, Ezekiel went down and he got on board

The chariot went bumping on down the road

Zeke wasn’t particular about the bumpin’ of the road

He just wanted to lay down his heavy load

Why don’t you swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Rock me, Lord, rock me, Lord, calm and easy

I’ve got a home on the other side

Swing down, sweet chariot, stop and let me ride

Swing down chariot, stop and let me ride

Rock me, Lord, rock me, Lord, calm and easy

I’ve got a home on the other side

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