Cântăre Heavenly Parade

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 112
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/1824-heavenly-parade]Heavenly Parade[/url]

Words and Music by:

Adgar Pace, JT Cook, James D Vaughn


Our traveling days will soon be over here, And we shall cross the rolling tide, For we are down here for just a little while, Our home is on the other side, Ambassadors true for Jesus our redeemer, And its a love crusade, For right against wrong, But soon we'll join the throng in Heaven when the saints parade

LEAD: For Heaven's Kings, We gladly sing the story old, Yet ever new in Glory Land, With that glad band, We'll promenade in Heaven's parade

TENOR: For Heaven's Kings, We will gladly sing the story old, Yet ever new in Glory Land in that fair land, We'll promenade in Heaven's parade

BARITONE: For Heaven's King of glory, We will gladly sing the story, Wonderful story is old yet is ever new in Glory Land, Up yonder with that great and happy band, We all them will promenade in Heaven in that grand parade

BASS: For Heaven's own King, For Heaven's Holy King, So gladly we will shout and sing, The blessed old story, Sing it for His glory, Tis old yet ever new in Glory Land fair up yonder in the air, In with eternal happy band, We'll promenade there, And never know a care in Heaven, When the saints parade

(Chorus all parts)

Pathway Press, Stamps Qt Music (Administered by ICG)

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