Cântăre I know I am not worthy

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 144
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3051-i-know-i-am-not-worthy]I know I am not worthy[/url]

I know I am not worthy

To come to you my King,

I know I am not worthy

To come before you and sing,

But You in all Your mercy

Forgive me, all my sins,

I want to thank You Jesus,

You are my everything.


/: You are Jesus the king who died for me,

You are Jesus the One who set me free,

I want to serve You Jesus,

I need your help for that,

Please help me to be thankful

For now and evermore :/

I know I am not worthy

To come to you my King,

I know I am not worthy

To come before you and sing,

But You in all Your mercy

Forgive me, all my sins,

I want to thank You Jesus,

You are my everything.

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