Cântăre Stronger

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 124
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3154-stronger]Stronger[/url]


There is Love

That came for us

Humbled to a sinner’s cross

You broke my shame and sinfulness

You rose again victorious


Faithfulness none can deny

Through the storm

And through the fire

There is truth that sets me free

Jesus Christ who lives in me


You are stronger

You are stronger

Sin is broken

You have saved me

It is written

Christ is risen

Jesus You are Lord of all


No beginning and no end

You’re my hope and my defence

You came to seek and save the lost

You paid it all upon the cross


So let Your Name be lifted higher

Be lifted higher

Be lifted higher
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meniu prim
Ascultă-mă, Doamne, căci bunătatea Ta este nemărginită. În îndurarea Ta cea mare, întoarce-Ți privirile spre mine! ( Psalmii 69:16 )