Cântăre Jesus Knows

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 124
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3613-jesus-knows]Jesus Knows[/url]

1. In your pathway have you found some cruel thorns?

Jesus bore them on His brow, and He knows;

Does the world look down upon you with its frown?

All the world forsook your Lord, and He knows.

R: Jesus knows, yes, He knows;

He was weary, worn, and tried,

Bore our many sins beside,

Hungry, thirsty, crucified, and He knows.

2. Are you weary with the toils and cares of life?

Jesus labored night and day, and He knows;

Does the sinful world annoy you with its strife?

Jesus saw and heard it all, and He knows.

3. Are you tempted with the world so rich and gay?

Jesus once was tempted, too, and He knows;

Does the tempter seek to turn you from the way?

Jesus will your helper be, for He knows.

4. Has the hand of death your eyes bedimmed with tears?

Jesus wept for one He loved, and He knows;

For some wand’rer have you prayed for many years?

Jesus prayed for sinners lost, and He knows.

5. Have your friends forsaken, spurned you from their door?

So they did your blessed Lord, and He knows;

Is there none to cheer and comfort anymore?

Jesus bore the cross alone, and He knows.

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Mai presus de toate, să aveți o dragoste fierbinte unii pentru alții, căci dragostea acoperă o sumedenie de păcate. ( 1 Petru 4:8 )