Cântăre I Will Do My Part

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 139
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3638-i-will-do-my-part]I Will Do My Part[/url]

1. t may be little that I can do,

Nor may I have much to say,

But in that little I mean to be true,

And do what I can today.

R: From the depths of my heart I will do my part

With a ready and willing hand;

And I will not shirk, I will faithfully work

In the place that my Lord hath planned.

2. The work He giveth may lowly be,

It may not win man’s applause,

But if I do what He chooses for me,

I know it will help His cause.

3. In vain no service that love may give,

No matter how small it be;

In God’s remembrance it ever shall live

To shine in eternity.

4. In that fair day, when the crowns are brought

For those who have faithful proved,

There will be one for each soul that has wrought—

For all that have worked and loved.
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Mai bine o bucată de pâine uscată, cu pace, decât o casă plină de cărnuri, cu ceartă! ( Proverbele 17:1 )