Cântăre I Walk with the King

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 141
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3640-i-walk-with-the-king]I Walk with the King[/url]

1. In sorrow I wandered, my spirit oppressed,

But now I am happy—securely I rest;

From morning till evening glad carols I sing,

And this is the reason—I walk with the King.

R: I walk with the King, hallelujah!

I walk with the King, praise His Name!

No longer I roam, my soul faces home,

I walk and I talk with the King.

2. For years in the fetters of sin I was bound,

The world could not help me—no comfort I found;

But now like the birds and the sunbeams of spring,

I’m free and rejoicing—I walk with the King.

3. O soul near despair in the lowlands of strife,

Look up and let Jesus come into your life;

The joy of salvation to you He would bring—

Come into the sunlight and walk with the King.
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