Cântăre I Wake to Sober Thought

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3641-i-wake-to-sober-thought]I Wake to Sober Thought[/url]

1. There’s a fact no mortal ever can deny,

There’s a crisis we must surely, surely meet;

All that live upon this earth must shortly die,

And must answer at the great final judgment.

R: O God, I wake to sober thought,

And face eternity;

By sin I’m lost, by Jesus bought;

So, Lord, I come to Thee.

2. Have I slept while golden moments passed away,

Slept in darkness and exposed to endless woe?

Gracious Lord, I rise, and turn from sin today,

Seeking pardon through Thy long-slighted mercy.

3. Now my reason wakes, my life appears a dream;

Lord, I see my danger, oh, the horrid spell!

To my guilt I wake and stand amazed between

Awful fears of hell and hope’s ling’ring twilight.

4. Now, in dark review, I trace my squandered years,

Hope expires within as sinful life appears;

Yet, Thy face I see through all my bitter tears—

Blessed Jesus, Thou dost offer Thy mercy.

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