Cântăre Ive Enlisted in the Service

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 134
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3648-ive-enlisted-in-the-service]Ive Enlisted in the Service[/url]

1. I am fighting in the army of the Lord,

And though dangers thickly round my pathway lie,

I shall never faint or fear, for my Jesus is so near,

I’ve enlisted in the service till I die.

* Refrain:

I will press the battle on till the victory is won,

And I reach my crown and mansion by and by;

By the grace of God, I know, I shall conquer every foe;

I’ve enlisted in the service till I die.

2. Often do I meet with Satan by the way,

And His fiery darts so thickly round me fly;

When the shield of faith he sees, then he always quickly flees,

I’ve enlisted in the service till I die.

3. Now the world has ceased to be a friend to me,

And the ones I most have loved now pass me by;

But to Him I’ll faithful be who has shed His blood for me,

I’ve enlisted in the service till I die.

4. I shall never tire or give the battle o’er,

For the crowning day is coming by and by;

Then through all eternity I shall shout the victory,

I’ve enlisted in the service till I die.

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