Cântăre It Will Matter but Little at Last

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 118
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3649-it-will-matter-but-little-at-last]It Will Matter but Little at Last[/url]

When we get to the end of our journey,

And our struggles are over and past,

What we’ve had out of life as our portion,

It will matter but little at last.

It will matter but little what we have passed through,

When the shades of the valley at sunset we view;

Whether small and unknown, or a king on some throne,

It will matter but little at last.

Some of us may have had a fair voyage,

Or we may have been stung by the blast;

Whether we’ve been through storm or through sunshine,

It will matter but little at last.

Though our hearts have been broken by sorrow,

Though our skies have with clouds been o’ercast;

Though our backs have been bent with the burden,

It will matter but little at last.

There is only one thing that will matter:

Have our lives with the Savior been cast?

Whether we’re trusting Him for salvation,

Is the thing that will matter at last.

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