Cântăre It Is Better Farther On

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3660-it-is-better-farther-on]It Is Better Farther On[/url]

1. Hark! I hear Hope sweetly singing

Softly in an undertone,

Singing as if God had taught her,

"It is better farther on."

Night and day I hear her singing—

Singing while I sit alone,

Singing so my heart may hear it,

"It is better farther on."

2. When my faith took hold on Jesus,

Light divine within me shone,

And I know since that glad moment,

"It is better farther on."

I have plunged into the fountain,

Flowing free for everyone;

I am saved and Hope is singing,

"It is better farther on."

3. Farther on, but how much farther?

Count the milestones one by one;

No, no counting, only trusting—

"It is better farther on."

Rest, my soul, in hope forever,

all my doubts and fears are gone;

Jesus is my Savior, Keeper—

"It is better farther on."

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”Trebuie să reţii că tot ceea ce se întâmplă înăuntrul tău este mult mai important decât ceea ce se întâmplă în exterior.”