Cântăre In Holy Reverence, Lord

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3681-in-holy-reverence-lord]In Holy Reverence, Lord[/url]

1. In holy rev’rence, Lord, we come

Before Thy throne this hour,

To worship at Thy hallowed feet,

To sup the wine of joy so sweet,

Great God of love and pow’r.

2. Our lives and all are in Thy hands,

Our times are known to thee;

Thy grace has kept us through the past,

Thy loving arms have held us fast,

And shall eternally.

3. Almighty Father, God of love,

Our hopes are clear and bright;

We drink of life’s eternal fount,

And bask on Zion’s sunlit mount,

Where heaven seems in sight.

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