Cântăre I'm on the Winning Side

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3788-i-m-on-the-winning-side]I'm on the Winning Side[/url]

1. Along the way of life are many foes

That daily war against my soul;

But constant victory

My Savior gives to me

As I press on to the goal.

R: On the winning side, I’m on the winning side,

I’m on the winning side with Jesus;

Though hot may be the fray,

My soul can boldly say,

I’m on the winning side with Jesus.

2. The battle may be long and hard to win,

And Satan’s hosts may press me sore;

But though I may be tried,

I’m on the winning side,

I shall triumph evermore.

3. A multitude of warriors of the cross

In serried ranks do bravely fight;

They never shall retreat,

Nor ever know defeat,

They are winning for the right.

4. With courage in my soul I’ll do my part,

For Jesus I will loyal stand;

So on the winning side

Triumphant I abide

With the faithful, holy band.

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