Cântăre Im Happy, Redeemed, and Free

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3790-im-happy-redeemed-and-free]Im Happy, Redeemed, and Free[/url]

1. How can you part with Jesus,

So loving, so kind, and gracious?

His service to me is precious;

I’m happy, redeemed, and free.

R: I love my Lord,

He loveth me;

The life of a Christian suits me,

I’m happy, redeemed, and free.

2. Blessed assurance feeling,

While in communion kneeling,

Father’s own will revealing,

I’m happy, redeemed, and free.

3. Oh, what a glad emotion,

Living in pure devotion,

Peace like the mighty ocean!

I’m happy, redeemed, and free.

4. Oh, what a joy and sweetness

He to my soul doth witness,

Feeling its blest completeness!

I’m happy, redeemed, and free
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