Cântăre Ill Not Be Afraid

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 148
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3800-ill-not-be-afraid]Ill Not Be Afraid[/url]

1. I’ll not be afraid for the terror by night,

Nor the arrow that flieth by day;

For the Lord whom I serve is my shield and my light,

He will guide and protect all the way.

* Refrain:

I’ll not be afraid, I’ll not be afraid,

Where He leadeth I safely can go;

I will trust Him alway, both by night and by day,

He’ll be with me forever, I know.

2. I’ll not be afraid, though the stormy winds blow,

And the billows sweep over my soul;

He who calmeth the sea will protect me, I know,

And will lead me to heaven’s bright goal.

3. I’ll not be afraid of the scorns of the world,

Nor to tell of God’s wonderful love;

When from Satan’s vile host fiery darts shall be hurled,

I’ll be strengthened with grace from above.

4. I’ll not be afraid when the grave I shall see—

Just beyond its dark shadow is rest;

And the welcome of angels is waiting for me,

When I enter those realms of the blest.

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