Cântăre I Know Not

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3809-i-know-not]I Know Not[/url]

1. I know not what lieth before me,

What shadows may fall on my way,

But I’m sure that my Lord watches over me,

And brightens each hour of the day.

R: I know not, I know not,

Yet He who commandeth the stars is my Guide!

I know not, I know not,

But safe in His keeping, I’m satisfied.

2. I know not what sorrows may enter

My life, or what griefs may be mine,

But I’m sure that my Lord will be with me, and

His mercy about me will shine.

3. I know not what burdens will bow me,

Ere duty and labor are past,

But I’m sure that my Lord, if I faithful prove,

Will know me in heaven at last.

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meniu prim
Tot așa, și credința: dacă n-are fapte, este moartă în ea însăși. ( Iacov 2:17 )