Cântăre I Believe We Shall Win

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 126
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3830-i-believe-we-shall-win]I Believe We Shall Win[/url]

We’re a band that shall conquer the foe,

If we fight in the strength of the King;

With the sword of the Spirit we know

We sinners to Jesus shall bring.

I believe we shall win,

If we fight in the strength of the King;

I believe we shall win,

If we fight in the strength of the King.

We have conquered in times that are past,

And have scattered the foe from the field;

So we’ll fight for the King till the last,

And the sword of the Spirit we’ll wield.

Our foe may be mighty and brave,

And the fighting be hard and severe;

But the King is the Mighty to Save,

And in conflict He always is near.

Ever true in the army of God,

We will fight in the name of the King;

We shall win with the fire and the blood,

And the world to His feet we shall bring
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Dacă crede cineva că este religios și nu-și înfrânează limba, ci își înșală astfel inima, religia unui astfel de om este zadarnică. ( Iacov 1:26 )