Cântăre I Am from Sin Set Free

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 118
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3841-i-am-from-sin-set-free]I Am from Sin Set Free[/url]

Let worldly minds the world pursue,

It has no charms for me;

Once I admired its trifles, too,

But grace hath set me free.

R: Free! free! free!

I am from sin set free!

This world has now no charms for me,

For Christ hath set me free.

Its pleasures can no longer please,

Nor happiness afford;

Far from my heart be joys like these,

Now, I have seen the Lord.

As by the light of op’ning day,

The stars are all concealed;

So earthly pleasures fade away,

When Jesus is revealed.

Creatures no more divide my choice,

I bid them all depart;

His name, His love, His gracious voice,

Have fixed my roving heart.

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