Cântăre How Sweet Is My Rest

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 123
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3875-how-sweet-is-my-rest]How Sweet Is My Rest[/url]

1. How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul,

Where peace doth so tranquilly flow;

Though storm-cloud and tempest and dark billows roll,

All my heart with His sunlight doth glow.

R: How sweet is my rest! And how richly I’m blest!

Oh, how sweet is the rest of my soul!

2. No fears shall alarm me though Satan be nigh,

He’s subject to Jesus’ control;

Though tempted and tried, Christ regardeth my cry,

Truly He is the joy of my soul.

3. My sins all are gone, oh, what rapture to know

They’re nailed to the cross where He died;

The blood doth atone and my heart doth o’erflow,

Praise the Lord for the soul-cleansing tide!

4. I’m saved even now, and though death soon may come,

No harm shall it bring to my soul;

For all it can do is to carry me home,

To be safe while the ages shall roll.

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