Cântăre Hold to Gods Unchanging Hand

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 115
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3889-hold-to-gods-unchanging-hand]Hold to Gods Unchanging Hand[/url]

1. Time is filled with swift transition,

Naught of earth unmoved can stand,

Build your hopes on things eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand.

R: Hold to God’s unchanging hand,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand;

Build your hopes on things eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand.

2. Trust in Him who will not leave you,

Whatsoever years may bring,

If by earthly friends forsaken

Still more closely to Him cling.

3. Covet not this world’s vain riches

That so rapidly decay,

Seek to gain the heav’nly treasures,

They will never pass away.

4. When your journey is completed,

If to God you have been true,

Fair and bright the home in glory

Your enraptured soul will view.

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De aceea, lepădați orice necurăție și orice revărsare de răutate, și primiți cu blândețe Cuvântul sădit în voi, care vă poate mântui sufletele. ( Iacov 1:21 )