Cântăre His Voice I Hear

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 130
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3893-his-voice-i-hear]His Voice I Hear[/url]

1. I cannot tell when the thunders peal,

How fiercely the storm may rage,

Nor how dense are the shades of the night that steal

O’er the path of my pilgrimage;

But I know, with my Savior always near,

As that night on the Galilee,

The tempest will cease when His voice I hear,

And the darkest shadows flee.

2. I cannot see through the darkest clouds

His image so wondrous fair,

And forget sometimes, when the gloom enshrouds,

The mansion awaiting there;

But if on the wings of faith I soar,

In the strength of His word alone,

My soul can drink till I want no more,

From fountains of love unknown.

3. I cannot drink one draught of pain

From the cup once drained for me,

Or bear the heat on the desert plain,

Nor the grief of Gethsemane;

But I know, if His cross I meekly bear,

If I labor, and watch, and pray,

His suff’rings I a part may share

From thorns in the narrow way.

4. I cannot see for the veil between

The beautiful gates ajar,

The streets of gold, and the living green,

On the banks of the river there;

But I know, somewhere, on that heavenly strand,

Is a mansion, and robe, and crown,

Preserved by the Savior’s loving hand

Till my work on earth is done.

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