Cântăre He Is Everything to Me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 117
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3929-he-is-everything-to-me]He Is Everything to Me[/url]

When I was in trouble, my way was dark as night,

But Jesus gave me comfort, and brought me to the light;

He took away my sorrow, and made my burden light,

He is everything to me.

If it wasn’t for the Lord, tell me what would I do?

Oh, tell me, what would I do? Oh, tell me, what would I do?

If it wasn’t for the Lord, tell me, what would I do?

He is everything to me.

He is bread in dry places, He’s water in a thirsty land;

He is my rock and shelter, He holds me by the hand;

And when my friends forsake me, close by my side He’ll stand,

He is everything to me.

So when my life is ended, and I must surely die,

Then He will be my gateway up to that home on high;

And in that golden city, there’ll be no more goodbyes,

He is everything to me.

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Și prin El, și voi sunteți zidiți împreună, ca să fiți un locaș al lui Dumnezeu, prin Duhul. ( Efeseni 2:22)