Cântăre He Is Able to Deliver

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 126
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3931-he-is-able-to-deliver]He Is Able to Deliver[/url]

1. He is able to deliver thee, O sinner;

He will drive the night away;

He’s the star of perfect day;

He will shine from heaven in thy heart forever.

R: He is able, He is able

To deliver thee.

2. He is able to deliver thee, O sinner;

See the myriad worlds above,

And the one on which we move—

They were made by our eternal God of power.

3. He is able to deliver thee, O sinner;

See your life is in His hand,

Thus you live at His command;

He’s the source of good, the ever blessed Giver.

4. He is able to deliver thee, O sinner;

He has quenched the fire of yore,

Stopped the lion’s rage and roar,

He has raised the dead and healed the spotted leper.

5. He is able to deliver thee, O sinner;

For He told the king His dream,

Stopped the Jordan’s flowing stream;

Healed the lame, the blind, the palsy—what a Savior!

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