Cântăre Happy in the Savior

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 100
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3952-happy-in-the-savior]Happy in the Savior[/url]

1. I am happy in the Lord for the love He showed to me,

And I’m resting on His precious promise;

Confiding in His Word, He will keep me pure and free,

And forever in His grace victorious.

R: Happy in the Savior,

Happy in the Savior,

Happy in the Savior,

I am happy in the Lord.

2. I am happy in the Lord since my sins are washed away,

I’ve His peace within my heart abiding;

He sanctified my soul, and the Blesser came to stay,

In the bosom of His love I’m hiding.

3. I am happy in the Lord, for He gives me life and breath,

And He sweetens all my days with pleasure;

He’s all I need on earth; He’s my vict’ry over death,

He’s the secret of that hidden treasure.

4. I am happy in the Lord for the place prepared for me,

Oh, how sweet the blessed consolation;

And though I fall asleep, I shall wake eternally,

In His likeness with His great salvation.

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