Cântăre God of Mercy

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 110
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3972-god-of-mercy]God of Mercy[/url]

1. God of mercy, God of love,

All Thy wondrous works approve

Thy own goodness, and reveal

What our ransomed spirits feel,

That Thy name, in heav’n above

And in all this world, is love.

2. God of glory, in us shine,

Soul and body, we are Thine;

God of wisdom, love, and might,

Be our strength and burning light;

God of peace and holiness,

Let Thy beauty be on us.

3. God, within us be Thy throne;

In the meekness of Thy Son,

Pure and spotless, filled with peace,

We shall rise to see Thy face—

See Thee in Thy majesty,

Blest through all eternity.

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