Cântăre God Is Love

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 108
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3976-god-is-love]God Is Love[/url]

1. Hark! my soul, seraphic music,

From angelic choirs above,

Breaks to earth the joyful tidings

That the Lord our God is love.

R: God is love, God is love,

Song of angel choirs above;

Hallelujah! God is love.

Paradise now helps to swell it,

Saints on earth afar go tell it,

Satan’s host can never quell it,

For the Lord our God is love.

2. See the depths of His compassion,

Giving heaven’s best to prove

By a life of pain and sorrow,

That the Lord our God is love.

3. Lo, I feel the Holy Spirit,

Like a peaceful, heav’nly dove,

Witnessing within my bosom

That the Lord our God is love.

4. Sing my soul, and all within me,

Sing till all the clouds remove,

Sing, and praise, and shout forever,

For the Lord our God is love.

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