Cântăre God Answered Prayer for Me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 117
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3981-god-answered-prayer-for-me]God Answered Prayer for Me[/url]

1. I cried to God for mercy,

When I was lost in sin;

He heard my earnest pleadings,

And freely took me in.

* Refrain:

God answered prayer for me,

He answered prayer for me;

If thou wilt pray, believing,

I know He’ll answer thee.

2. Praise God, I now am happy,

My soul is light and free,

The God that heard old Daniel

Has answered prayer for me.

3. Whene’er I meet with trouble,

To Him in prayer I go,

For He is always willing

To answer me, I know.

4. Oh, sinner, come to Jesus,

Call on His name today;

If thou wilt come, believing,

He’ll wash thy sins away.

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Dacă crede cineva că este religios și nu-și înfrânează limba, ci își înșală astfel inima, religia unui astfel de om este zadarnică. ( Iacov 1:26 )