Cântăre Give Me Jesus Alone

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 129
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3988-give-me-jesus-alone]Give Me Jesus Alone[/url]

1. I am here a pilgrim stranger,

Give me Jesus alone;

He will guard my soul from danger,

Give me Jesus alone.

R1: Give me Jesus alone,

Give me Jesus alone;

Till I reach my home in glory

Give me Jesus alone.

2. When the pow’rs of sin beset me,

Give me Jesus alone;

When my friends on earth forget me,

Give me Jesus alone.

R2: Give me Jesus alone,

Give me Jesus alone;

Every hour and every moment,

Give me Jesus alone.

3. Though the world its praise should offer,

Give me Jesus alone;

With my Lord I’ll meekly suffer,

Give me Jesus alone.

R3: Give me Jesus alone,

Give me Jesus alone;

Let the world deride or flatter,

Give me Jesus alone.

4. When my heart for joy is singing,

Give me Jesus alone;

Or when pain my heart is wringing,

Give me Jesus alone.

R4: Give me Jesus alone,

Give me Jesus alone;

In the sunshine or the shadow,

Give me Jesus alone.

5. Passing through life’s verdant meadow,

Give me Jesus alone;

Or through death’s dark gloomy shadow,

Give me Jesus alone.

R5: Give me Jesus alone,

Give me Jesus alone;

Whether life or death await me,

Give me Jesus alone.

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Religia curată și neîntinată înaintea lui Dumnezeu, Tatăl nostru, este să cercetăm pe orfani și pe văduve în necazurile lor, și să ne păzim neîntinați de lume. ( Iacov 1:27 )