Cântăre Friendship with Jesus

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 107
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/3998-friendship-with-jesus]Friendship with Jesus[/url]

1. A friend of Jesus! Oh, what bliss

That one so weak as I

Should ever have a Friend like this

To lead me to the sky!

R: Friendship with Jesus!

Fellowship divine!

Oh, what blessed, sweet communion!

Jesus is a Friend of mine.

2. A Friend when other friendships cease,

A Friend when others fail,

A Friend who gives me joy and peace,

A Friend when foes assail!

3. A Friend when sickness lays me low,

A Friend when death draws near,

A Friend as through the vale I go,

A Friend to help and cheer!

4. A Friend when life’s short race is o’er

A Friend when earth is past,

A Friend to meet on Heaven’s shore,

A Friend when home at last!

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