Cântăre Following Him

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4003-following-him]Following Him[/url]

1. Following Jesus day by day,

Following Him—His will obey,

Following Him, I cannot stray,

I’ll follow Him all the way.

R: Following Him, following Him,

Following Him by night and by day;

Following Him, following Him,

I’ll follow Him all the way.

2. Following Him through all the night,

Following Him into the light,

Following Him, ’tis always right,

I’ll follow Him all the way.

3. Following Him through joy or woe,

Following Him, in grace to grow,

Following Him, His love to know,

I’ll follow Him all the way.

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Isus le-a vorbit din nou, și a zis: " Eu sunt Lumina lumii; cine Mă urmează pe Mine, nu va umbla în întuneric, ci va avea lumina vieții. " ( Ioan 8:12 )