Cântăre Ever Lead Me

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 128
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4018-ever-lead-me]Ever Lead Me[/url]

1. Out on this dark world, Savior, am I,

Be Thou my helper, oh, hear my cry;

Thou art my portion, all is in Thee,

Oh, let Thy mighty hand ever lead me.

R: Wilt Thou lead me by the hand?

2. Hope of my heart, Lord, strength of my soul,

Guide Thou my footsteps and keep me whole;

My grace and fortress, Lord, Thou wilt be,

Oh, let Thy mighty hand ever lead me.

3. Calm Thou the wild storm, clear up the way,

Keep me from falling, by night and day;

Trav’ling to glory, walking with Thee,

Oh, let Thy mighty hand ever lead me.

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