Cântăre Evening Praise

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 111
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4021-evening-praise]Evening Praise[/url]

1. Lord, the shades of night are gently soothing nature into rest,

And Thy love, to us unfolding, moves devotion in our breast,

Round the sacred fam’ly altar, we would close our pligrim days,

Make the evening vocal with our hymns of praise.

R: One more day of life is gone, O gracious Father,

Thou hast sweetly kept us since we rose;

Now accept the evening praise we offer,

Ere in Thy arms we seek repose.

2. Glory to the name of Jesus, for salvation all the day!

For Thy wall of love around us, keeping evil far away;

Humbly in Thy presence bowing, Father, we implore Thy grace,

That no sinful shadow hide Thy smiling face.

3. Father, keep us ever holy, till our sun of life is set,

Like the twilight’s golden glory, may Thy presence linger yet;

Fold us in Thy arms of mercy, as we lay our bodies down,

In the final morning give us all a crown.

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