Cântăre Duty in Worship

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 109
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4029-duty-in-worship]Duty in Worship[/url]

1. Child of God, thou ’rt called for service,

Thou art called from Heav’n above;

Give the Lord the best—He gave thee

The full measure of His love;

Worship at His shrine of pleasure,

Just renew thy strength today;

Consecrate thyself forever,

Trust, oh, trust Him, and obey.

2. Child of God, thou ’rt called to duty,

Do thy best, thy humble part;

Worship Him in all the beauty

Of true holiness of heart;

Let no evil thing defile thee,

Let no tempting foes allure;

Should they flatter or revile thee,

Keep thy soul forever pure.

3. Child of God, the time is nearing

When we’ll hear the trumpet call,

When we’ll see the Lord appearing,

To the judgment bringing all;

Then He’ll say unto the righteous,

"Faithful thou hast been to Me;

Come, thou blessed of my Father,

To the home prepared for thee."

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