Cântăre Drifting Away from Jesus

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 116
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4030-drifting-away-from-jesus]Drifting Away from Jesus[/url]

1. Drifting away from Jesus,

Far from His gentle fold,

Wrecked on the waves of sorrow,

Out in the night so cold.

R: Oh, am I lost forever?

Lost amid fiendish din?

Oh, can there be no lifeboat

On the dark ocean of sin?

2. Drifting away from Jesus,

Day after day I glide,

Swiftly the billows bear me

Over the surging tide.

3. Drifting away from Jesus,

Helpless, and tossed with care;

Soon I shall land forever

Somewhere, I know not where.

4. Drifting away from Jesus,

Far from His courts of love,

Oh, do you see! A lifeboat

Sails from the ports above!

R: Over the bounding billows,

Jesus, my Savior, sends

Help to my storm-tossed spirit;

Praise to the Friend of friends!

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Smeriți-vă, dar, sub mâna tare a lui Dumnezeu, pentru ca la vremea Lui, El să vă înalțe. ( 1 Petru 5:6 )