Cântăre Draw Me Nearer (Neff)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 121
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/4031-draw-me-nearer-neff]Draw Me Nearer (Neff)[/url]

1. Blessed Savior, draw me nearer,

As I walk the narrow way;

When my soul is sorely tempted,

Thou wilt all my fears allay.

* Refrain:

Blessed Jesus, wilt Thou keep me

Near Thy side, Thy bleeding side;

Draw me nearer, loving Savior,

Let me in Thy love abide.

2. By Thy help I’ll trust Thee ever,

Though the shadows gather round;

Thou my light, and my salvation,

Let Thy grace in me abound.

3. I will walk by faith in Jesus,

On this high and holy way;

Onward will I press and upward,

Drawing nearer every day.

4. When I’m passing through the furnace,

I draw near, my Lord, to Thee;

As I hear Thee gently whisper,

"Closer come, My child, to Me.

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