Cântăre Confidence

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 119
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5217-confidence]Confidence[/url]

1. We will not falter in the battle,

For by the grace of God we’ll stand,

And while we use our Captain’s armor,

No one can pluck us from His hand;

He is our confidence and courage,

While we obey we’ll never fall;

Let us be true, and fight in Jesus’ might,

Follow our mighty Captain’s call.

2. Lord, I need grace to be Your soldier—

Grace that will bear the battle’s din;

Strengthen me at my post of duty,

That I may conquer every sin;

You are my confidence and courage,

Not a defeat You’ve ever known;

I will not quit nor yield, but trust Your shield,

Strong in the strength You give Your own.

3. We will not fear the foe’s appearance,

For we are led by Christ our King:

He is the Captain of Salvation,

And of His conquests we will sing;

He is our confidence and courage,

He is the One Who set us free;

And with our hearts aglow we’ll rout the foe,

For He has promised victory!

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