Cântăre Church of the living God

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 136
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5237-church-of-the-living-god]Church of the living God[/url]

1. Church of the Living God,

The pillar of the truth,

Thou dost enclose within thy walls

The aged and the youth;

Here in thy light of love,

The saints with gladness meet;

Here every tribe and kindred come

In fellowship so sweet.

2. Church of the Living God,

We wait no future time,

But now on earth with joy we dwell

Within thy courts sublime;

Oh, thou dost triumph now

Through Jesus’ precious blood;

By His own hand He’ll hold thee up,

And bring thee home to God.

3. Church of the Living God,

So peaceful is thy rest,

For God has placed thy members all

As pleaseth Him the best:

No envy mars thy peace;

The Father gave His Son

To cleanse thee from each vain desire,

And mold thee all in one.

4. Church of the Living God,

Thy sons are born of love;

In Heaven’s golden book of life

Their names are kept above,

And God shall guard His saints,

Preserve them by His grace,

And naught but sin against the Lord

Shall e’er their names erase.

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