Cântăre Christ in gethsemane

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 110
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5243-christ-in-gethsemane]Christ in gethsemane[/url]

Beyond where Kedron’s waters flow,

So brightly and so free,

Behold the loving Savior go

To sad Gethsemane.

Go to Gethsemane,

Hear that mournful sound;

See the Savior weeping,

Weeping on the cold, damp ground.

His countenance is all divine,

His heav’nly bearing see!

Yet grief appears in every line

While in Gethsemane.

He bows beneath the sins of men,

Whilst they are filled with glee;

He cries to God and cries again

In sad Gethsemane.

He lifts His mournful eyes above,

And cries, "O Father may

This cup, this bitter cup remove!"

Oh, sad Gethsemane!

With gentle resignation still,

For thee, my soul, for thee,

He yielded to His Father’s will

In sad Gethsemane.

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