Cântăre Cast thy bread upon the water

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 104
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5246-cast-thy-bread-upon-the-water]Cast thy bread upon the water[/url]

1. Cast thy bread upon the water,

’Twill return in many days;

Crumbs of truth for Jesus scatter,

All along thy pilgrim ways.

R: Cast thy bread upon the water,

It will soon return again;

Cast thy bread upon the water,

Jesus says ’tis not in vain.

2. Cast thy bread upon the water,

Christ will watch the rolling wave,

As it ripples slowly onward,

To the soul He seeks to save.

3. Cast thy bread upon the water,

Let it spread from pole to pole;

And the prayers of patient toilers

Soon will yield some precious soul.

4. Cast thy bread upon the water,

Trusting it is not in vain,

For the lost and wand’ring sinner

May be gathered back again.

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