Cântăre Bringing in the sheaves

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 115
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5253-bringing-in-the-sheaves]Bringing in the sheaves[/url]

1. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,

Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve;

Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,

We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

R: Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,

We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves;

Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,

We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows,

Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze;

By and by the harvest, and the labor ended,

We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

3. Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master,

Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves;

When our weeping’s over, He will bid us welcome,

We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

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Cercetează-mă, Doamne, încearcă-mă! Trece-mi prin cuptorul de foc rărunchii și inima! ( Psalmii 16:2 )