Cântăre Bright jewels

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 105
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5254-bright-jewels]Bright jewels[/url]

1. When all the dear children are gathering home,

We shall be there, we shall be there;

Bright jewels we’ll shine in that heavenly home,

We shall be there, we shall be there.

R: We shall be there in that morning,

We shall be there in that morning;

When all the dear children are gathering home,

We shall be there in that morning.

2. Bright jewels He’ll gather to shine in the sky,

We shall be there, we shall be there;

For this the dear Savior did suffer and die,

We shall be there, we shall be there.

3. We’ll sing with the angels that heavenly song,

We shall be there, we shall be there;

Our voices with music His praise shall prolong,

We shall be there, we shall be there.

4. We never shall part in that beautiful clime,

We shall be there, we shall be there;

So happy with Jesus in beauty sublime,

We shall be there, we shall be there.

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