Cântăre Blessed fountain of blood

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 142
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5261-blessed-fountain-of-blood]Blessed fountain of blood[/url]

1. There is a blessed fount of blood,

It flows from Jesus’ side;

And I have plunged my guilty soul

Beneath its cleansing tide.

R: Blessed fountain of blood,

I have plunged ’neath its flood;

And now its cleansing billows roll,

Through all my happy soul.

2. There is a blessed fount of blood,

’Tis streaming o’er my heart;

Through all my soul its tranquil joy

Enlivens every part.

3. There is a blessed fount of blood,

Whose virtue stands between

A barren land of sin and shame,

And fields of living green.

4. There is a blessed fount of blood,

Which gladdens all my life;

It saves me now, oh, joy to know,

From sorrow, sin, and strife.

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meniu prim
Iar tu, om al lui Dumnezeu, fugi de aceste lucruri, și caută neprihănirea, evlavia, credința, dragostea, răbdarea, blândețea. ( 1 Timotei 6:11 )