Cântăre Be ready when He comes

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 137
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5271-be-ready-when-he-comes]Be ready when He comes[/url]

1. Would you flee from sin and serve the Lord?

Be ready when He comes;

He will soon appear with His reward,

Be ready when He comes.

R: Be ready, be ready,

Be ready when He comes;

Be ready, be ready,

Be ready when He comes.

2. It is not His will that you be lost,

Be ready when He comes;

Would you save your soul at any cost?

Be ready when He comes.

3. Do you know the end of time is near?

Be ready when He comes;

Can you live and die in sin’s career?

Be ready when He comes.

4. There is awful danger in delay,

Be ready when He comes;

Will you cast your only hope away?

Be ready when He comes.

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