Cântăre Babels fallen

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 108
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5289-babels-fallen]Babels fallen[/url]

1. Babel’s walls, so long obscuring

All the ways of truth and right,

Crumble now before the shining

Of the glorious evening light.

R: Babel’s fallen, hallelujah!

Hear the saints in chorus sing;

From the summit of Mount Zion,

Hear their glad hosannas ring.

2. Now are Zion’s walls erected,

And her watchmen fear the Lord;

From the heights of full salvation

Loud proclaim His holy word.

3. Oft they told us that no mortal

Could enjoy this perfect peace;

But we’ve found a full fruition,

And the year of sweet release.

4. Hail the day of heav’nly freedom!

Though so long has been the night,

Brighter seems the radiant splendor

As we reach the evening light.

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