Cântăre A sweeter anthem

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 135
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5296-a-sweeter-anthem]A sweeter anthem[/url]

1. When we pass the golden summer,

And, like autumn leaves, retire

On the bosom of our mother,

Will our song of praise expire?

R: Oh, we’ll sing a sweeter anthem,

With unnumbered millions there;

Glory, honor, and salvation,

In our home so bright and fair.

2. If our soul is blest in singing

In this feeble house of clay,

Who can tell the bliss of reigning

In our home of endless day?

3. Is it sweet to hymn the story,

Of salvation here below?

Oh, what anthems filled with glory

From the throne of God shall flow!

4. Do we love our dear Redeemer,

And rejoice that we are His?

We will love and praise Him better

When we see Him as He is.

5. Glory, glory be to Jesus!

Let us shout with joyful praise

To the Rock of our salvation

All this life and endless days.

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Grăbește, Dumnezeule de mă izbăvește! Grăbește de-mi ajută, Doamne! ( Psalmii 33:22 )