Cântăre Are you building on the rock?

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 112
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5310-are-you-building-on-the-rock]Are you building on the rock?[/url]

1. Are you building on the Rock eternal?

Are you building on the sinking sand?

Are you going to that home supernal,

In that brighter, far-off, happy land?

R: Are you building on the Rock?

Are you building on the Rock?

Are you building on the Rock,

Or on the sinking sand?

2. Are you building on a strong foundation?

Can you stand the stormy sea of life?

’Mid the surging billows’ wild commotion,

Do you conquer in the raging strife?

3. Are you building on a strong foundation,

With an anchor that will keep the soul?

Living in His love and truth unshaken,

Grounded firm and deep though billows roll?

4. Are you building on a strong foundation?

Can you stand the awful judgment shock?

Are you grounded in His great salvation,

Fastened like an anchor to the Rock?

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meniu prim
El este ca un pom sădit lângă un izvor de apă, care îşi dă rodul la vremea lui şi ale cărui frunze nu se veştejesc: tot ce începe, duce la bun sfârşit.