Cântăre A new touch of fire

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 131
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5317-a-new-touch-of-fire]A new touch of fire[/url]

1. For a fresh anointing, Lord, for service

Come we now in Jesus’ precious name;

For the blessed Pentecostal fullness,

Every heart with heav’nly love aflame.

R: Send a new touch of fire on our souls, Lord,

Send it now, Lord, send it now, Lord;

Touch our lips today with the living coals,

Send a new touch of fire on our souls.

2. Make us free to tell the gospel story,

Liberty in service may we have;

Showing forth the Savior’s grace and glory,

Telling of His wondrous pow’r to save.

3. Bringing all we have in consecration

As a living sacrifice for Thee;

Trusting for an uttermost salvation,

Jesus’ precious blood our only plea.

4. Let the great Refiner throughly purge us,

Purify our hearts like as by fire;

While for all the sanctifying fullness

Here our waiting, longing hearts aspire.

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