Cântăre A mansion in glory

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 117
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5320-a-mansion-in-glory]A mansion in glory[/url]

1. A mansion is waiting in glory,

My Savior has gone to prepare;

The ransomed who shine in its beauty,

Will dwell in that city so fair.

R: Oh, home above,

I’m going to dwell in that home;

Oh, home of love,

Get ready, poor sinner, and come.

2. A mansion of rest for the weary,

Who toil in the vineyard of love;

O sinner, believe, and be ready

To enter that mansion above.

3. A mansion where heavenly music

Enraptures the glorified throng;

They’re singing salvation, O sinner,

Come, join in that beautiful song.

4. A mansion where angels are waiting

To welcome the holy and true,

And when to the Savior low kneeling,

They’ll sing a sweet anthem for you.

5. A mansion unclouded by sorrow,

Undimmed by the pains of farewell,

Where all of earth’s pilgrims will gather,

With Christ in His glory to dwell.

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