Cântăre All along the way

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 113
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5337-all-along-the-way]All along the way[/url]

1. All along the way to happy lands above,

We may speak for Jesus words of faith and love;

Telling of His kindness and His tender care,

Of the priceless blessings every soul may share.

R: All along the way, Savior, lead us still!

All along the way, guard from every ill;

All along the way, with Thy Spirit fill!

Savior, go with us all along the way!

2. All along the way we journey here below,

We may for the Master seed eternal sow;

When the angels gather in the golden grain,

We shall see our labor was not spent in vain.

3. All along the way where Christ our footsteps leads,

We may mark our path with loving, helpful deeds,

Cheering other hearts while busy days go by,

Aiding others onward to the home on high.

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