Cântăre You (1)

Scrisa de: -Ion_Marcel
Vizualizări: 138
BBCode: [url=/cantare/id/5475-you-1]You (1)[/url]

There's always something

in the way

There's always something

getting through

but it's not me

it's You, it's You

sometimes ignorance

rings true

but hope is not in

what i know

it's not in me..me

it's in You, it's in You

it's all i know

it's all i know

it's all i know

i find peace when

i'm confused

i find hope when

i'm let down

not in me ... me

in You

it's in you

i hope to lose myself

for good

i hope to find it in the end

not in me ... me

in You

in You

in You

it's all i know

it's all i know

it's all i know

in You

in You

its in You

its in You

there's always something in the way

there's always something getting through

but it's not me

it's You

it's You

it's You ....

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